Joey Greco Looks Like… (pt. 2)

March 31, 2011 § 1 Comment

…Max Headroom’s younger brother, Chip Headroom.

…his hands were stolen from a baby chimpanzee.

…k.d. lang with a terrible secret.

…he has used the phrase “Kings of Leon’s earlier work” in more than one conversation.

…the guy on Law and Order: SVU who appears at the beginning of the episode and insists he’s not the murderer, but it turns out he’s the murderer.

…one of Elton John’s favorite “kept boys” circa 1986.

…whomever Alanis Morissette was talking about in “You Oughta Know.”

…that guy who “revealed” all of “magic’s biggest secrets” on FOX. Not Mitch Pileggi.

…he requested “Rock Me Amadeus” at every roller skating rink he frequented up until about two years ago.

…Chris Cornell at his first day of vocational school.

…his favorite movie, musical, and nickname for his genitalia? “The Lion King.”

…Fred Durst’s dad.

…Mark Ruffalo, Vampire Prince.

…Denethor, Steward of Gondor and Boy Detective.

…he bites his fingernails and spits the pieces out onto your carpet when you’re not looking.

…Edward Gorey designed him.

…Ed Hardy’s back hair.

…a discount drug mule.

…an unexpected noogie.

…a spokesperson for Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

…how Billy Corgan must feel, always.

…Nightcrawler before he got mutant powers.

…a deeply sad man.

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§ One Response to Joey Greco Looks Like… (pt. 2)

  • Xanthor says:

    …his penis is stuck inside the camera again.

    …the place where Botox comes from.

    …the worst babysitter ever.

    …his head would regenerate if blown off.

    …his head should be blown off.

    …a rash with teeth.

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